Jefferson STEAM Club

Space Month

Light Saber Design Challenge

Alien Design Challenge

Invention Month

Marble Maze Design Challenge

Convient Carrier Design Challenge

Can you design and invent a device to help someone who is using a wheelchair, crutches, walker, or cane?

Science Fair Month

2nd Annual Jefferson STEAM Science Fair!

Fossil Experiments

Hanging Salt Crystals

Earthquake proof structures!

Winter STEAM

Bobsled Design Challenge

Santa Escape Parachutes


Gingerbread Structure Design Challenge

Elf on a Shelf Design Challenge

Tallest Tree Challenge

VCSU Science Fair!

Wonders of the World Month!

Design and build a model of a REAL castle

Futuristic Month!

Clothes of the FUTURE!

Futuristic Cities

Design a city of the future just like the Jetsons!

Jetson Cars

Design and build a Jetson Car!

Jefferson STEAM Parade!

Hover Crafts!

Legacy Visit

Students taught residents at the Legacy Place how to CODE with Spheros!

Coding Month!


Coding Through Good Old Valley City

Coding with Sphero Robots!


Cue DrawBot

Design an attachment for Cue and code him to draw a picture!

Cue Maze

Design a maze to code your Cue through!

Coding with Cue Robots

Coding with Scratch and Scratch Jr.

Mad Scientist Month!

End of the month video!



VCSU Science Department Field Trip

Celery Experiment

Bouncing Egg Experiment

Engineering Month!

End of the Month Video


Final Projects!

Can you design and create a zoo exhibit?


Animal Catching Traps


Valentines Day SLIME

Pigeon NO BATH Engineering Challenge

Pigeon Bus Engineering Challenge


Noodle Bridge Engineering Challenge

Balloon Rockets!

Can you design a rocket with a balloon?

Paper Airplane Engineering!

Paper Airplane Website




Cue Robotics

Lego Robotics

Introducing…. Mrs. Olauson and April!